As a registered provider of residential services in Richton Park, Illinois, we assist clients in gaining independent living skills and reintegrating back into their families and community. We place high regard on everyone having the right to find the...
Read More ›About one in four adults in the U.S. are living with some sort of disability that impacts major life activities. Individuals with disabilities are often excluded from community participation, including relationships, leisure activities, and employmen...
Read More ›People with any developmental or intellectual disability in Richton Park, Illinois can have difficulties in their daily living. Although family members can assume the role of primary caregiver, they may still need help in meeting the emotional, socia...
Read More ›There are a lot of benefits to having a support system. It helps form a stronger connection with the outside world while focusing on getting better. It contributes to alleviating any stress that comes your way. Having people who listen, especially wh...
Read More ›Some individuals with an intellectual disability in Richton Park, Illinois tend to have difficulties with speech and communication. Oftentimes, these difficulties also have a big impact on how they communicate with their doctors. In this case, someon...
Read More ›Our brain ages, too, so we should care about keeping it sharp in every way. If you or your senior loved ones live in a residential group home in Illinois, there are plenty of mind-stimulating games to try ranging from puzzles, board, to card games—...
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